what's next for phantoms curse going into 2025

hello everyone! glad to see your enjoying the new small content update. I'm likely going to take a small break for a while since I need to adjust gear in my life since I recently finished my last semester in college.  this last update took me most of the later half of this December to make so I need a small break before I pick things back up. shouldn't be gone for long, and hopefully my new schedule allows for me to have plenty of dev time. speaking of which, once I'm ready again, the goal is to improve a variety of things in phantoms curse, since i have been receiving a large amount of really good feedback.  so here's a compiled list of all the things I'm hoping to improve, before work on v0.30's main content.

list of improvement to gameplay and other mechanics.

  1. add tagging system to weapons and rings so that they cant be placed in the wrong slots.
  2. implement storage locker for item overflows, and general player use.
  3. fix double jump activating too soon, and not activating sometimes if you fall.
  4. feedback for opening chest, so the player know what items they have received.
  5. implement split and single moves in item inventory, locker ect.
  6. improve the screen size, make it wider or play with the resolution.
  7. develop shop keeper UI
  8. sentient fat option, and endo option. game over with endo has a little internal view of the player in the dark.
  9. split audio sliders into music and game sfx. also increase sound volume.
  10. allow preference to determine neutral transformations like the bee grub or the slime. should be a setting, TF cross.
  11. combat improvements, make flying enemy's not so difficult, I'm looking at you bees, improve player hitboxes and attack speeds. also improve animations of weapons to make them feel a little more unique. attack combos?
  12. improve sound design of some enemy's and animations. sort of blanket. will have to check through each enemy.
  13. change all enemy's that use there main hotbox as the grab hitbox, to have a specially hitbox like most newer enemy's.
  14. change and add behavior to enemy grabs that allows for progression stages. neat idea. have two bars, one that's health, and one that's cursed bar. if the curse bar reaches max while the player is grabbed then and only then do they TF. otherwise, play a animation of them climaxing with the cure bar increasing by a chunk and them losing a little health. likewise have the vore scenes work similar but with health damage over time, with the player only being digested, if there health reaches zero. this will likely cause me to go back and add more animations to plenty of older enemy's to compensate for this mechanic change.
  15. improve tutorial and add prompts explaining how the game works. dialogue pop ups with images to help the player understand mechanics?
  16. add animation for each enemy where they stop there logic and are defeated. as an example humanoids take a knee or fall over, instead of being destroyed and disappear.
  17. implement enemy drops on defeat, based on luck value.
  18. downloadable apk version for mobile users.
  19. alt costumes for the player. have a third slot for cosmetic changes. maid outfit, pre alpha outfit, and tf outfits. when player interacts with enemies or stuck makes a proofing sound and effect which drops illusion for animations.
  20. improve bestiary navigation. also, only how bestiary entry's based on preference of player.
  21. add map entity which allows fast travel, and gives a over view of player location. alternatively npc which vores the player to carry them around to different fast travel points.
  22. text during game over describing the player fate after they get a game over.
  23. rabbit vore scene involving new carrot item.
  24. bat tf scene.
  25. tiger male variant.

if you have any other improvement suggestions feel free to post them here or on the discord server. 

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How do I get further, I've gotten to the maid

Also, here's an idea, a sandbox thing, where you can spawn in creatures, that you have encountered, and what not, and can interact with them like that.

Another idea for the tiger girl, if you defeat her, before or after she is fed, she'll find her way to the cabin and eat you and you'll be in a dreamscape like in the normal bed

Also, what's the loot drop chance?

would love some improvements to the controls as well. attacking feels very clunky and jumping/double jumping activates when you just hold the space bar when it should only activate when space goes from unpressed to pressed and then holding spacebar would control the height of the jump.
you could check out "Platformer toolkit" from GMTK for the control examples

thanks for the suggestion, currently both of those things are on the list. ill be updating the post above to reflect these changes as i work through them. currently i found a fix for the jump issue so that's thankfully solved. as for attacking that's on the list for improvements. I'm thinking of improving the hitboxes, and animations, as well as potentially adding some form of hit stun or something along those lines to make combat feel better.

Love your game, some money its worth. Only one question, will there be more unbirth?

likely so, just not sure for what enemy or npc yet.

A serpent would be best. Try giving it a test. I'm stuck in rhyming mode for some reason. Maybe it's because of the season?


that maybe so, but it could be treason.  a serpent could be good if your not teasin. :3


I think the game's world is beginning to be big enough to deserve a map or some navigation tool for the players that easily get lost (me). It's nothing urgent, I believe I managed to explore the whole world.

Loving the new update, I'm excited to see more ^w^ also huge congrats on finishing college!!

I agree. especially considering that i might develop istaras cave area into a safe zone this next update as well. added it to the list ^_^.

loving this so far, looking forward to more...

a suggestiou, i dont think is in is add a tab to the bestiary to view the different versions of the game overs you've gotten from them, ie male and male female and male, etc. 

that way we dont have to hunt down the specific interaction we wanna see again.

if its already in, and im just clueless id love to know how to see it :3

ps, add bimbo kitsune possesion tf

added it to the list ^_^